Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I need advice!!!

Please, please let me know what you think I should do.

I have an idea for a blog entry that compares and contrasts my brother to a major political figure. My thoughts are on race, class, and educational and economic achievement.

Is this exploitative to use my brother as a pawn for my political point of view?

Seize the Day - the Bell May Toll for You

Yesterday while I was on my way to work the bus passed an apartment building with yellow police tape around it. I glanced out of the window and saw a heavy body bag being put onto a gurney. My heart thudded. Someone right here died, not long ago, in some bad or mysterious way. What was I doing at the time, living life normally, casually, taking life for granted at the time when someone was in fear?

Later in the day, I checked the website of the Chicago Tribune and found out that a 46 year old man who had lived in a studio apartment for 10 years fell, or was pushed from his 10th story window, and was found dead at about 6 a.m.

My point in writing this is not to be morbid. Perhaps my point is trite: Carpe Diem. I found that yesterday was one of the most productive days I've had at work in ages. I was busy, happy, engaged. And in the back of my mind was this awareness of death, of the finite time we have on this plane. Even at that, our time may be much shorter than we think. So, live! Find the work that you are meant to do, whether that is teaching or cooking or parenting or being the best account manager you can possibly be.

Friday, July 27, 2007

You know you're in Hyde Park when....

So, I was walking down the street and noticed a small, bright yellow Mazda parked nearby. It had a University of Chicago license plate holder and a bumper sticker that said, (I kid you not):

My other vehicle is the Mahayana.

(Am I just as nerdy, because I get it?)

Just when you thought news of our war effort couldn't get any worse....

Check out this article - soldiers who have returned from Iraq are suddenly getting bills for equipment that they supposedly damaged while they were on active duty.
We're making them pay for the truck they were in while they were being bombed or shot at???

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Ratatouille & Compact Florescent Bulbs

I came across this very nice little cartoon that I would like all of you to watch. I am an energy/environment conscious person, but those of you who know me, know that this is as preachy as I will get. Let your children watch this as well.
Also, has anyone seen the movie, Ratatouille? I know it's been out a while, already. I want to see it.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

South Park Movie - Blame Canada

My friend Jay sent this to me this afternoon. It's one of my favorites, reminding us all that the easiest thing to do is find a scapegoat. No need for rationality, just pick the closest person/cause/group that's different from your own.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Taste of Summer

I can't wait until the farmers' markets open every summer so that I can make Gazpacho. It tastes like summer to me, and for a few months in the spring, I start yearning for it. The key, of course, it home-grown, yummy, tasty, ripe tomatoes. (I woke up this morning with a hankering for it and was so happy to find half a pitcher of it left over from yesterday.) You are sure to get your entire day's quota of vegetables, fiber, vitamins, etc.

5-6 luscious tomatoes (red is the standard, but try orange or yellow for beautiful variety)
1 small onion
2-3 cloves garlic (even garlic lovers should not go over-board; raw garlic is awfully powerful)
1/2 cucumber
1 sweet red bell pepper
4-5 good pinches of salt
1 handful of bread crumbs (plain is best, and this is optional)
1/4 cup of vinegar (not balsamic, but plain old wine vinegar or cider vinegar, whatever is around)

Chop everything coarsely, throw it in a blender, blend. I like it pretty smooth, but you can leave it a bit chunkier if you like. Don't be afraid to add a little water if it needs it. Chill, or if you don't have time for that, throw a few ice cubes in before you blend. Pour it into glasses, bowls, or drink straight from the blender, like I do. Garnish with a few reserved minced veggies, if you like. It's even better after a few hours, or the next day, when the flavors have had a chance to marry.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Race to Mackinac 2007

The race starts off tomorrow around noon. Anyone who's local to Chicago should come down to the lakefront to watch the race start - it's beautiful. It's supposed to be windy, but clear this weekend, so the race will be a fast one but not stormy.
Here's the website for the race. I'm not racing, but the boat I crew on, Dos Aguilas, will be out there. Click here, then Boat Selector - J105 - Dos Aguilas to track their progress through the weekend.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

iPhone in a Blender

This is post-modern, self-referential and funny all at the same time (a rare combination). It's an iPhone in a blender:


(It took a little while for this to load on my machine for some reason, so please be patient. It's worth it.)

Monday, July 9, 2007

Where are your resources going? Children? or Cars?

Here's another great, thought-provoking article I found in the Globalist, about designing cities for people, not for cars. It suggests rating the livability of cities on the ratio of parks to parking lots. It notes that funding for roads, which is public space for cars, are often given priority over parks, which is public space for children.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Declaration of Energy Independence

I found this interesting article, re-wording the Declaration of Independence to discuss Energy Independence. As long as they were monkeying with it, you'd think they could have replaced "Men" with "People", but sexism aside, it's an interesting read:
