I've finally downloaded my pictures from my trip to Europe, and I was struck by the similarities between the "puzzle wall" at Delphi in Greece and the famous Incan wall in Cuzco.
This top one is from Delphi, which you would have guessed because of the column, I'm sure.

This second one, I found on the
web. I'd like to go to Cuzco some day. I've been to Peru twice, but always for work and only to Lima, which is hardly a tourist highlight.
If you like this, you might enjoy the work by Lew French (http://www.lewfrenchstone.com/). His work is amazing, and you can watch a recent interview with him on CBS (http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/11/11/sunday/main3486141.shtml). Talking about being a perfectionist!