Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Palin & McCain

While I'm a huge Obama fan, I thought that I would have been ok with a McCain presidency. His choice of Palin makes his ticket completely unacceptable to me for many reasons. In an op-ed by Frank Rich today, he points out how the choice of Palin brings to light things about McCain which maybe should have made me pause before as well. For example, do we really need another 4 years of running the world's most powerful country by gut-feel rather than analysis? 

Even more fraudulent, if that's possible, is the contrast between McCain's platonic presentation of his personal code of honor and the man he has become. He always puts his country first, he told us: "I've been called a maverick." If there was any doubt that that McCain has fled, confirmation arrived with his last-minute embrace of Sarah Palin.

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