I want to thank my faithful readers for responding to a post from a few weeks ago where I announced I was in favor of a fuel tax. In case you haven't looked at the comments, I'm copying them here:
1. A very sensible solution if you live in one of the big eastern cities with lots of available public transportation. Quite a different story if you live here in the west, where our cities grew in the era of the automobile and public transportation is practically non-existent.
2. I,too, listened to that NPR story and found it convincing. Then again, there is no reliable public transportation around me, so I have to drive to work. What happens to those who can least afford the tax? They can do without other "sins", but not their paycheck.
3. So how are you going to feel when you have to pay more for all your goods and services? Merchandise arrives in stores with the help of gasoline. The stores aren't going to absorb that cost for you. And service providers...plumbers, electricians, housekeepers...are sure to add on a fuel surcharge. So even though you are an urban dweller, don't think you wouldn't be affected.
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