Friday, December 19, 2008

Not sure he gets it (on religion)

One blind spot Obama seems to have is in his choice of religious leaders, from hanging out with Rev. Wright to now picking Rick Warren for the Inauguration prayer. Why would you pick a guy who compares same-sex marriage to pedophilia and incest?!


  1. I have a question. Why do we so blithely assume that religious leaders will/should officiate at government functions?

  2. I think that this Rick Warren thing has been getting more attention than it needs to. Do we really believe that Obama is a anti-gay, GOP, gun-loving, etc. in disguise? Rick Warren is purely a political choice and I actually think it might be a good move. It's definitely a calculated move. He's definitely reaching across the aisle. True that the man has a lot of values that many liberals don't agree with and has said some nasty things, but he also has done a lot with other social causes like AIDS and hunger. You don't need to agree on everything, but you can't also start exclude people because of their view especially when you're trying to sell certain visions. There are always ways to compromise if you at least respect one another.

    And on the Wright issue, I still don't think Obama did anything wrong. Wright is a good man who cares deeply for people of Chicago. He's just a not a politically-correct man who has lived through an era where many blacks were oppressed, and I'm sure that he still witnesses that oppression in the Southside. However, like Obama said in Philly, Wright has to open his eyes and realize that many things have changed. To have Obama elected as the first black President is a strong way to start convincing him toward that direction.
