Thursday, December 21, 2006

A Banner Day for Bigotry

Is Barack Hussein Obama really an Islamofascist, Osama bin Laden sympathizer in disguise? Is MN Representative Keith Ellison a threat to the American Way of Life? Give me a break!

CNN wonders out loud if Obama and Osama are connected. MSNBC guests say that his middle name is the same as the former Iraqi dictators and that he dresses like the President of Iran.

Virgil Good, a representative from Virginia, suggests that Keith Ellison, an American-born Muslim convert choosing to use the Quran for his swearing in, is a threat to the American way of life and evidence that we should close our borders to immigration.

Is the media pandering to the lowest common denominator, attracting the ignorant and bigoted? Has Virgil Goode, a representative from Virginia, forgotten that this country was founded on the principles of religious freedom? Yes on both counts.

I suppose it is human nature to create an us-and-them. In the US, vocal racism is no longer acceptable and we don't have Soviet or Communist bad guys anymore. So, apparently it's fashionable and acceptable to bash Muslims.

I am saddened and disappointed by the state of our public discourse.

1 comment:

  1. the issue is not of course Muslim bashing the understood asumption is that Muslims are bad therefore if there is any connection you also must be bad. It also smacks of the 19th century know-nothing party. However, I really do believe we are in a strugle with Islam as a civilization for world supremacy. The west in general has been supreme for 500 years and probably peaked in the early 20th century before the western civil wars of the 20th Century i.e. WW I, WWII, & the Cold War sapped our inherent strenghts. Therefore Islam is making its first move for world domination since it was frustrated by Charles Martel in the 8th Century, the reprise of the Turks in the 12-15th centuries while horrible enough for those who had to endure them were not really life threatening to the nascent western civilization.
