Friday, February 29, 2008

Top 5 Things To Do in March

OK, I don't want to go too far with Top X lists, but how 'bout this one:

  1. Dive in and study something.
  2. Subscribe to a new magazine.
  3. Write a letter to your great-aunt or grandfather.
  4. Eat fresh fruit and good vegetables.
  5. Take a picture of the first spring flower you see and use it as your wallpaper.

Good Books

Check out You can share your thoughts on books and get recommendations. Very cool. I didn't know that this is what I've looking for!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008


OK, this isn't quite in the spirit of the Super Bowl, which I'm now watching, but this game is a free on-line city building game in the vein of SimCity:

I read about it on a NYTimes blog last week, which was suggesting that SimCity and other games like that could have more influence on environmental thinking than An Inconvenient Truth by actually demonstrating the pressures and trade-offs of industry, growth, prosperity and agriculture. SimCity will also throw the occasional natural disaster at you as well.

Try out Electrocity - you can play a game in 15-20 minutes. It's addictive.